Sponsored Solution Track II

From this track


Abstractions are Dead, Long Live Abstractions!

Wednesday Jun 14 / 10:35AM EDT

In modern app development, we have scripts that build and deploy servers, configure connectivity, monitor and report status, package and distribute code, observe activity across the system, and scale up or down as we need.

Speaker image - Alan Shreve

Alan Shreve

Founder & CEO @Ngrok


Java for Serverless Cloud Functions: The How, Why and Tips to Make it Awesome

Wednesday Jun 14 / 11:50AM EDT

Developers have many options for building applications today, not just for what programming platform to use, but also what architectures are possible. Modern applications can be built using everything from monoliths to microservices to cloud functions.

Speaker image - Pratik Patel

Pratik Patel

Developer Advocate @Azul Systems.


ChatGPT is Fun, but the Future is Fully Autonomous AI for Code

Wednesday Jun 14 / 01:40PM EDT

ChatGPT and other AI tools based on Large Language Models (LLMs) have grabbed the headlines for their ability to write poems, short stories and other kinds of content – including code. The intuitive interactive interface makes them easy to use and they can be a real time-saver.

Speaker image - Mathew Lodge

Mathew Lodge

CEO @Diffblue


Wednesday Jun 14 / 10:30AM EDT
